Monday, July 14, 2008

Reality Bites... but not so hard tonight

So, I just got home from the airport. There has been some definite progress, but I can't help but feel disappointment that I didn't get a miracle. Although I didn't really think that it would happen, I had let myself imagine that he would come home and give me lots of hugs and kisses, and things just might be normal again. But of course... reality strikes again.

Aaacckkk... it pains me so.

Although there were no fairy tales, Dh came through the gate and gave me a big hug and a quick kiss... like the kind that you give your mom. But, at least it was a kiss... on the lips! This was a first...

Despite the semi-warm welcome, Dh had actually had a very bad flight. He was pretty stressed. I let him vent about the rude flight attendant who yelled, "Can't you read?!" when he accidentally placed his bag in the wrong compartment... and then continued to harass him. I didn't even tell him to calm down once (This is a problem of mine, I previously tried to calm him all the time instead of just letting him be angry)!

We went on to talk about our trips on the hour ride home... He mentioned a couple of times about needing to make an appointment with his therapist through The Vet Center (this is the one that will hopefully counsel both of us in the near future)... it was almost like he was letting me know that he is still planning on making an effort.

And best of all... After talking about milspouse friend's lovely apartment, I mentioned how nice it would be to have our own space, and how if I get this job, then perhaps we could get an apartment/small house. He agreed, saying that it would be "nice to have a space for stuff."

Woooohooo! I am praying that I get this job!

1 comment:

RangersGirl said...

I'm praying for you that you get the job too, especially since you said it would be your dream job. And sounds like it was a good reunion at the airport - - not what you wanted - - but I think it was good. I'm happy for you!