Friday, July 11, 2008

It's so good to see you, Memory Foam Mattress

Wow, my mini-vacation really flew by! I had an awesome time, but I am so glad to be home... Since we bought our tempur-pedic mattress I find it hard to be away for too long... just a few days has me longing for the memory foam (I guess this is how I know I'm getting older?) You just can't mold yourself into a regular old mattress.. hehe... It also makes me think I'm spoiled, as our service members don't have the luxury of coming back after a couple of days to mold themselves into their foam bed.

It makes me wonder how Dh can go without sleeping on it for as long as he has since he has been at his mom's house. I mean, ...forget me... the bed itself is so good that I often wonder if the mattress will be enough to bring Dh back home!

OK, your thinking how much more is she going to talk about this bed... but, why stop here?

My trip reminded me of my mattress not just because I missed it, but also because going back to an old milspouse friend is a lot like lying on my memory foam bed, and here's why:

-It's supports you no matter what
-It immediately remembers just who you are
-There is nothing that comes between the two of you
-At the end of the day, you can always count on it
-It comforts you
-You miss it when your apart
-It will never forget you
-It has cell mass (this has nothing to do with being a friend, but true just the same)

If only the mattress could talk... it would make a fine substitute for my best milspouse friend. I miss her already!

1 comment:

RangersGirl said...

Glad you had a great mini-vacation and a good time with your old friend! BTW the following blogger was blogging about PTSD tonight, you should stop by and chime in. You have some great insight.