Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day

Ahhh... the birth of our amazing country. Growing up, I always loved the Fourth because it meant picnics, s'mores and fireworks. Of course, I still love these things, but I have developed a whole new set of reasons for loving the Fourth since becoming an adult... and especially since becoming a military spouse.

Military folks tend to be especially patriotic... and for obvious reasons. I think that it's because we don't just know what it took to gain independence... we feel what it took. I get choked up every time I hear the Star-Spangled Banner. I am the only adult in the school who will rise for the Pledge of Allegiance each morning, even if I'm the only one in my office. I enjoy this time of year because I feel like I am joined by the rest of the country in my patriotism... I truly wish that I would see flags flying and people celebrating our country all year round.

I even get emotional as I watch the fireworks on the Fourth. I hear loud booms followed by a spray of lovely colors in the night sky... and then I think about our military overseas... who may hear similar booms that provoke entirely different emotions. There are so many service members that would love to be home celebrating with their own families... but instead, they fight for families in another land... so that they too may celebrate their own independence.

Thank God for them... and Happy Birthday America!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I thought about the sound of the fireworks too...hoping that while I watched, there wasn't some poor soldier in the crowd having bad memories of similar noises.