Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Opposite of Perfume

Weather-wise... it's a beautiful night. Starry sky, not to hot... not to cold... I decided that I deserved a glass of wine due to the antics I endured earlier this evening. So, I sat outside next to the firepit under the stars... and just relaxed. It felt soooo good to be alone and lost in thought as I looked up at the stars.

But... I was not alone for long! I spotted a skunk.... right next to me! He was walking around me as if he was my dog or something... and I didn't even hear him! Perhaps he didn't see me either? I jumped up and walked to the side, and he walked in the opposite direction... no spraying... it was a peaceful parting... Thank God! Did I mention that I have a job interview on Monday? That would have made quite the first impression!

1 comment:

RangersGirl said...

whew! yah, lucky you! We have them in the neighborhood also I never want to run into one of them on garbage night - - nor do I want to run into the red fox.