Sunday, June 22, 2008

Uninvited Houseguest!

Yikes! I was on the phone with one of my good friends when my sister did one of those whisper/yell kind of things letting me know that Dh's cousin is downstairs! He decided to stop by for a surprise visit!

It was really very kind of him, but it was terrible for me! It would have been fine if Dh's extended family knew about the PTSD and Dh staying with his mom for a while.... but they don't. Dh seems to want to keep things a secret from those we don't really interact with on a regular basis... and I almost take that as a good sign at this point because it may mean that he doesn't view this as a permanent thing. That particular part of the extended family would also have a field day knowing about all of this, so we thought it better not to say anything.

I must also mention that I am absolutely the worst liar there ever was. I am the person who ruins jokes that people play on others because I am so bad at going along with it... I am also the person who accidentally brings a paper clip home from the office, and has to bring it back... and I am just too darn honest! So, when I finally approached Dh's cousin, I wouldn't be surprised if he knew something was up because I'm such a freak! Things went something like this:

Me: Hello, cousin, how are you? It's so good to see you!

Cousin: Hey, good, is Dh around?

Me: mmmm , noooo, he is over at his mom's helping her do something.

Cousin: Oh! Are they home? I will just stop by there...

Me: mmmm, I don't think they're home, they went to pick something up in Stillville. They needed to use Dh's truck because they have a small car, I'm not sure when they will be back.

Cousin: Well, I will give you my number, and then Dh can call me when he gets back...

Me: Ok..

Cousin: It's on you now! haha!

Me: :nervous chuckle:

1 comment:

RangersGirl said...

I think you handled it really well.