Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Flip Side of the Coin

Since the beginning of April, I have been a researching machine... delving into every PTSD article I can get my hands on. Perhaps it gives some method to the madness...

As I perused an article recently, I had a thought that had yet to cross my mind thus far... What if Dh and I have a better relationship for having gone through this? This seemingly basic thought had really yet to enter my mind. I was so focused on what a horrible thing this is for both of us, that I hadn't really thought about the flip side of the coin... the shiny and pretty side!

Although Dh and I do have a very strong relationship that provides the foundation that is holding us together at this point, there are things that could have been better in our marriage. I tried to control too much, while Dh really did not provide me with as much love and support as I needed. Military spouses are tough cookies, and sometimes I think that we get so used to our extra burdens that we don't notice, or let it slip by, when things are a little off... And as for Dh, I am now learning that it was a struggle for him just to keep himself together, let alone our marriage.

The great thing that I am coming to realize is that Dh and I have this awesome opportunity to fill in our gaps... We are also finding out how the gaps got there in the first place, and what we can do to prevent them from happening again.

It feels so good to look forward to the future of our marriage again.

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