Thursday, June 19, 2008


Straightening hair... switching outfits... applying make-up to perfection ... for DH? Of course I would do these things for DH before, but come on, after five years of marriage I think most of us know that this is not the every day occurrence. But now that DH is staying at his mom's house, I find that every time I know that I will be seeing him I am doing a fashion show in front of the mirror! As I type, I am awaiting a call from DH. I spoke to him just a few minutes ago and he invited me to get some pizza! This is a milestone...DH placing the invite.

As I wait and engage in all of this preparation, I really have this feeling like we are dating again?! It's so strange. It's exciting in some of the same ways, but still very different. I didn't do much dating back in the day since DH and I have been together since high school, but maybe this is something like dating a guy that isn't that into me? Perhaps I need to win him over? haha : ) ahhhh...the quandaries of trying to figure out this situation. Well... I just got the call, and he wants me to meet him there... kind of strange but I'll go with it... I'll give an update on the "date" later : )

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